Gighera Township


The locality consists of 3 villages: Gighera as residence, Zăval and Nedeia and has an area of 12968 ha and a population of 3013. The township is located in the southern part of Dolj County, at the confluence of Jiu River with the Danube, on DN 55A Calafat-Bechet, at a distance of 65 km away from the town of Craiova, 35 km away from the town of Segarcea, and 85 km away from the town of Calafat and 10 km from the town of Bechet. Area-specific activities are agriculture, livestock farming and fishing.

Contact details:

Phone number: 0251-353011

E-mail: [email protected]

Brief history:

The township is located on the current place from 1837-38, because until this date it was located further south by a km, in the place called today Săliște. The move was caused by the flying sands. In ancient times it formed a village named Nedeiţa, which existed as early as 1672. It is not known when the name change from Nedeiţa to Gighera dates back. The name is found in the decision book of Gângiova, Comoșteni, Gighera estate, drawn up by the boundary engineer A. T. Robertescu, in 1885, where under the heading “the documents of the property”, under point 1 the name Nedeiţa is mentioned, after the document of donation made by the ruler Grigore Ghica, to the Monastery of Sadova. Also in this book, the denomination of Nedeiţa appears in an exchange document made in 7217 (i.e. 1709, May 1st), between Constantin Brâncoveanu Voivode and the Egumen of Sadova Monastery, Gighera estate is therefore attached to the Gângiova Brâncovenesc estate, and Sadova belongs from this point to the monastery. Since ancient times, at this township, south to the Danube, there was Copanița scaffold, where different cereals are loaded for export. Copanița is the name of the ait next to the township.

About the belonging village Nedeia is stated that “it derives its name from Nedeia Fortress, established by the Phoenicians” and located in the place called Marmurele, after the name of a pond smaller than the large pond (Nedeia pond). On the territory of this locality, at the point called “Gura Gârlei Nedeia”, near the Danube, there are some defensive works done by the Romanian army during the war of 1877-1878, called by the inhabitants “at the batteries”.

Identification data:

The town hall of Gighera is located on DN 55A Calafat-Bechet, Str. Principală, no. 184, Gighera Municipality, Dolj County.

Puncte interes:

- The Church of St. Dumitru in Nedeia village, Gighera Township, was built in 1848 and rebuilt in 1936. The church is located on DJ.

- The ait Copanița is an island with an area of 275 ha, located in the middle of the Danube River and next to Gighera. Since ancient times, there was Copanița scaffold, where different cereals were loaded for export.

- Zăval Forest is a mixed forest of forest, with species of oak, ash and elm this type of habitat includes species with hardwood located in the major riverbed, regularly exposed to flooding during the period of water level rising, or in low-lying areas, exposed to floods caused by the rise of groundwater. A large part of Zăval forest at north of DN55A is occupied by poplar plantations which most likely have replaced the characteristic species of the habitat. In the southern part, however, there is an area of Riparian forest in very good conservation condition. The forest is crossed by several water channels that have a temporary status. Ashes and oak trees in Zăval Forest are more than 80 years old.

Other information:


– Nicolae Negrilă, born on 23rd of July 1954 in Gighera Township, Dolj, is a former Romanian footballer, currently a football coach. He played for the Romanian national football team and Craiova University. In March 2008 he was awarded the Order “Sports Merit” 3rd Class, for his participation in the 1984 European Championship and for all his activity.

– Florian Stănescu, born on 27th of March 1911 in the township of Gighera, Dolj, was a priest in Urzica, Romanaţi; Muiereasca, Vâlcea; Coșuna, Bucovăţ, Gighera – Dolj, until 1976. He wrote over 100 articles, studies, conferences, reviews, notes, being remembered by Nicolae Iorga and other historians. Friend of Liviu Rebreanu, Ioan Alexandru, Al. Brătescu Voinești, N. Iorga, M. Sadoveanu, Ionel Teodoreanu, Gala Galaction, Ion Agârbiceanu, Elena Farago, Eugen Constant.

Local events:

- The week fair that takes place every Friday in the village of Zăval
- The Field Feast “In the forest at Zăval”, which takes place on the first Sunday in August

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